Connestee has four Beautiful Mountain Lakes
“Live Where You Play” is living in the mountains on a lake. Connestee Falls offers that with
one of the most impressive private lake systems in Western North Carolina.
A few facts about the lakes:
- Lake Atagahi 80 Acres • 59′ Deep • 2890′ Above Sea Level
- Lake Ticoa 75 Acres • 92′ Deep • 2810′ Above Sea Level
- Lake Tiaroga 31 Acres • 32′ Deep • 2950′ Above Sea Level
- Lake Wanteska 45 Acres • 62′ Deep • 2440′ Above Sea Level
The watersheds for all four lakes are completely within the community boundaries allowing complete control over our lake water being clear and pristine.
A stocking program ensures there are plenty of fish for healthy aquatics and to please resident fishing enthusiasts. All lakes have boat-launching ramps and three offer storage areas for small boats.
Gasoline powered watercraft are not allowed in the lakes to ensure their water quality, availability to take a swim, and the quiet environment that surrounds them.
Fish Species Found in our Lakes
(in alphabetical order):
Bass, Largemouth
Bass, Smallmouth (rarely seen)
Bass, Striped (very rare)
Bluegill (frequently called bream `brim`)
Carp, Grass
Catfish (Blue Channel)
Perch, Yellow
Trout, Rainbow